6月 05, 2007


Your Birthdate: February 7

Calm and understated, you struggle to express your love with words.
Over time, your partner learns to recognize your passion by the actions you take.
You're good at wooing someone slowly, without them even realizing it!

Number of True Loves You'll Have: 1

Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 2

You are most compatible with people born on the 7th, 16th, and 25th of the month.

I dont know what is true love. Everytime I fall in love, I treat it as my true love. So, how come it is just one true love?!

Again, it's hard to judge the number of heart broken. When it passes, i already forget how painful of it. So, I won't count it is heart broken or not...

5 則留言:

littleoslo 說...


F4 說...

still very sick. have to sleep 12 hours more. poor me...

Donald Kwan 說...

你的病的由來就是, 每次愛情令你步入痛苦時, 你也努力在人前表示自己很開心及表現得已飛快康復. 這樣會使身邊朋友以為你沒事及好玩得, 不斷拿你的愛情觀開玩笑(就像你blog的留言, 我也忍不往常加兩咀), 人前笑呵呵人後悶不樂, 本是喉嚨發炎也變成視力衰退。

想法積極是好事, 適當舒發也很重要.


匿名 說...




F4 說...

我的病情時好時壞, 但我已經停頓了所有生活來休息, 應該好快好番, 多謝關心!