1月 13, 2021


 今日政府宣佈一連串加緊防疫措施, 大致上是走回上年3月疫情剛爆發時的做法 - 分了必要及非必要服務兩類. 沒特別原因大家就不能出街了. 特此立照做個紀錄!

  • Outdoor organized public gatherings and social gatherings are further restricted to a limit of five people with limited exceptions. 
  • People are required to wear a mask or face covering in the indoor areas of businesses or organizations that are open. Wearing a mask or face covering is now recommended outdoors when you can't physically distance more than two metres.
  • All non-essential retail stores, including hardware stores, alcohol retailers, and those offering curbside pickup or delivery, must open no earlier than 7 a.m. and close no later than 8 p.m.
  • The restricted hours of operation do not apply to stores that primarily sell food, pharmacies, gas stations, convenience stores, and restaurants for takeout or delivery.
  • Non-essential construction is further restricted, including below-grade construction, exempting survey.
唉! 早知如此, 何必當初. 包括聖誕期間等到12月26日才lockdown, 結果有50%的人去了和家人朋友慶祝. 還有之前繼續讓學生返學校上課, 結果令到20%13歲以下的學生受到感染. 年紀這麼小的學生感染了好大機會會傳給家人吧. 傳了給家人, 他們出了去買餸就會導致社區爆發啦. 所以話, 加大的高官又真係幾醒目!
