到醫院覆診, 醫生說很滿意我的康復進度, 而且比一般病人康復得快.
雖然如此, 我始終不太敢做很多東西, 怕隨時爆血管嘛.
醫生很風趣: 橫豎不能預測結果, 不如放心做了吧. 咖啡, 朱古力, 小量酒精, 游水, 跑步, 做愛... 都可以, 但量力而為!
放下了心頭大石, 於是到樓下的兜巴星獎勵自己.
不知何時開始, 愛上了它們的檸檬撻.
十多塊但手掌大, 一個人吃都好滿足.
內裡的檸心醬甜甜的, 帶著微微的檸酸味, 又配合得恰到好處.
有口感, 不太苦,
4 則留言:
i like the blueberry cheese cake from SB far much better than it's lemon tart. The tart tastes a bit weird for me! :P
it should be nice. i tried this once again today in festival walk.
contrastly, the blueberry one is too thick for me. haha...
Yes please enjoy your life my dear! Right Now! Right Here!
Don't wait till a partner shows up. Don't wait for the sun to shine. Don't wait till all your enemies die.
When you enjoy life, your smile attracts bees and butterflies, your smile is the sunshine, and your enemies have failed in upsetting you.
We love you. X
Eunice, I miss u...